Problems of teaching history of philosophy in technical institutions of higher education: philosophical provocation as methodical approach

Problems of higher school

Goals: The article is devoted to the problem of lecturing philosophy in technical institutions of higher education. The author considers main factors that cause difficulties in understanding the subject and proposes the method for its elimiation. Methods: In order to solve the problem of elimination of student`s prejudices, that prevent an adequate perception of philosophy, the method of provocation is proposed. This method lie in sudden unexpected propositions that should shake false knowlege and stimulate response of thought. Relying on multi-year own experience of lecturing philosophy in technical institutions of higher education and on antique thinker`s experience the author formulates main rules that allow to use provocation in educational process effectively. The application of these rules is shown in examples of work with original texts. Conclusions: The author has considered main reasons that cause student`s resistance in perception of philosophy and difficulties in work with original philosophical texts. It is pointed that these reasons doesn`t connect with student`s educational facilities but ensue from the very specific of the subject. The method of its elimiation is proposed. Use: The article can be useful to philosophers working in technical institutions of higher education in process of practical studies.