The concept of the Communicative Media Competence formation among students in a technical university in terms of CLIL

Theory and Methods of Training and Education

The paper under consideration is devoted to the question of the scientific and methodological support in the framework of the communicative media competence formation (СMC). According to the State program “Development of the aviation industry 2013-2025” the main aim is to train highly qualified specialists. In this paper it is stated that nowadays there are insufficient problem elaboration of the competence approach in CLIL context, and insufficient theoretical and methodological developing of media technologies implementation into English language teaching in technical universities. The author considers necessarily to increase the role of media technologies phenomenon in the educational process, due to its great potential in improving the quality of foreign language education and growing informatization of society. The study indicates the use of the CLIL methodology and media technologies creating conditions for the competencies formation established by the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3++. The presented concept implements the idea of integrated media technologies implementation, its synergistic action into subject studying by means of CLIL to form Communicative Media Competence (CMC). The key idea of the methodology stated above is the quality improving of foreign language teaching.