Место работыСтамбульский университет
Ученая степеньдоктор филологических наук
Ученое званиепрофессор
- Стамбул, Турция
Professor of German Philology at the German Department of Istanbul University/ Turkey
Main lines of research fields: literary criticism, intercultural studies, cross-linguistic and cross-cultural studies on academic discourse, multilingualism
Degrees and Education:
1985-1989: studies at the German Department of Istanbul University
1992: Master academic degree, thesis “The Use of Text Linguistics in German Teaching” (“Metindilbilim ve Yabancı Dil Olarak Almanca Öğretimi”)
1999: PhD academic degree, thesis “The Text Type Literary Criticism in German and Turkish” (“Almanca ve Türkçede Metin Türü olarak Yazın Eleştirisi”)
2006: Habilitation, monograph “Research on Text Linguistics Texts in Turkey” (“Metindilbilim ve Türkçe”)
2014: Application for the professorship with the monograph “Cross-linguistic and Cross-cultural Comparisons on Academic Texts” (“Bilimsel Metin Üretimi”)
Professional experience
1990 – 2001: Research Assistant at the German Department of Istanbul University
1994-1995: DAAD scholarship at the University of Bielefeld in Germany
2001-2006: Assistant Professor at the German Department of Istanbul University
2006-2014: Associate Professor at the German Department of Istanbul University
2014- : Professor at the German Department of Istanbul University
Courses: Text linguistics, linguistic studies, intercultural text analysis, literary criticism, cross-linguistic and cross-cultural analysis on academic texts.
The most important publications:
1. Cross-linguistic and Cross-cultural Comparisons on Academic Texts (Bilimsel Metin Üretimi) İstanbul: Papatya Yayıncılık, 2014.
2. Research on Text Linguistics Texts in Turkey (Metindilbilim ve Türkçe). İstanbul: Multilingual Yayınevi, 2003.
Research projects:
2010: “Metropolen als Ort von Begegnung und Isolation” (Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture Project, with Prof. Dr. Mahmut Karakuş)
2009- 2012: Researcher on the international Project "Turkish-German cultural contact and cultural transfer”, which was conducted with Paderborn University.
2011- : working on a project about the German-Turkish film in the context of GIP (Germanistische Institutspartnerschaft) with Hamburg University.