Honor as the basis of ethics achievements or as a sign of moral success: the example of polytechnics

Philosophical and cultural studies

Problem which is put in this article, is the opposition of ethics of achievements and morals of success. The purpose of work is identification of the business, professional and moral bases of social stratification. The method of the system analysis, the principle of unity historical and logical act as methods of research. The situation characterizing difficult and nonlinear nature of social selection of people on significant social positions is result of research. On the one hand, the business aspect according to which on high positions individuals according to their merits before society are selected works here. On the other hand, municipal (in A.A. Zinovyev’s terminology) the aspect works here. Significant social roles are occupied by the people who succeeded in use of laws of a sociality. The author of work draws a conclusion that ethics of achievements are realized in activity of elite of service whereas the morals of success are attribute of elite of money-making. One of the main tasks of society is fight for domination of ethics of achievements over morals of success as a basic condition of successful development of the country. On examples of merits of outstanding polytechnicians realization of ethics of achievements at the St. Petersburg polytechnical university of Peter the Great is shown. The exposition of Museum of Military Glory shows examples of dedicated service to the Fatherland, playing the important educational, educational and developing role.