National Technology Initiative: socio-philosophical analysis

Problems of XXI century

The article presents socio-philosophical analysis of functioning, representation and public reception of Russian National Technology Initiative. Russian National Technology Initiative is a long-term complex program that seeks to identify the most perspective technologies and implement necessary administrative and legislative changes. It is to provide the conditions that will allow global technological leadership for Russia in markets that do not exist yet, but will define the world economic structure in 10-15 years. Russian National Technology Initiative is one of prioritized projects for Russia. Among its strengths we can name its orientation towards the future and positioning of the country as a potential world leader. Among its weaknesses we can name vague objectives, lack of specifics, technological idea that could inspire and unite Russian citizens. Content analysis of Russian National Technology Initiative was performed basing of conceptual framework of media packages, suggested by Gamson and Modigliani. Analysis identifies major trends and controversies in media coverage of Russian National Technology Initiative, strategies of development of public representation have been suggested. The authors conclude that Russian National Technology Initiative requires a systemic program of media coverage, since it lays claim to national status. Nevertheless the project is represented through occasional stories and notes, or large articles oriented towards small expert audience. Besides, lack of adequate language of description of sociotechnical reality has been identified, which complicated formulation of objectives and formation of media agenda.