Ontology of knowledge in the training of specialist-creator


The article examines a possibility of creating a new type of ontology of knowledge in the training of a specialist-creator. This ontology of knowledge is systematically directed at developing the ability to consciously construct professional activities based on the subject’s continuous response to changes in the state of the environment and the object of creative activity. Sustainable, continuous response is provided by the axiomatic interconnection of the elements of the system, which determines their mutual influence (dipole principle of representation). As system elements (dipoles), the authors adopted the parametric space of representing professional activities and the parametric space of representing the subject of activity that reflect information about the parameters of productive activity and the subject of activity. Pedagogical conditions are created that realize the ability of the subject to form a system of influences on the object and predict changes in the state of the object as a result of actualized influences. The system of transformative influences on the object is dynamically correlated in the function of the reflected information about the results of the influence: the subject interacts with the object, and the object affects the subject through the reflected information. The continuous response of specialists to changes in environmental parameters (transformation of the direction of activity) ensures the ability of a specialist-creator to constructing professional activities in real time area of interest throughout their working life. A new type of thinking has been organized: a holistic systemic vision of all human activity, awareness of the meaning of one’s own activity, forecasting the compliance of the decision and the object created with the needs of the society. Thus, the activities of specialist-creators involve a coherent interrelation of technology entrepreneurship, management and production.