Contemporary crisis of values: survival or self-expression


The author explores the reasons and prospects of the emerging weakening of the values of self-expression and retaliation of survival values in the world. She regards such revenge as an inadequate response to the crisis, arising from the transition to the stage of artificial intelligence society and threatening the existential security of millions of people. The best fruits of such changes go to the new elite, and their negative impact largely affects the rest of the people. Hence the escalation of social conflicts, the growth of social mistrust, the decline in the attractiveness of freedom and universal solidarity. In search of a positive response to this challenge, the author considers the results of multidisciplinary research on values and happiness, seeing a solution in the deliberate and systematic implementation of the values of self-expression as a priority. She puts forward the idea of the expediency of applying the humanitarian criterion of social progress, previously proposed by P.V. Alekseev, for assessing the direction of global processes. In her opinion, adherence to the values of freedom, trust, cultural diversity and personal dignity is most consistent with the goals of strengthening security, increasing the happiness and improving present society.