Digital frequency dictionary of Boris Ryzhy’s language in the context of modern author lexicography


The article deals with the principles of compiling the “Digital Frequency Dictionary of Boris Ryzhy’s Language”. The features of macro- and microstructure are described, fragments of the main sections of lexicographic work are demonstrated. The informational and functional potential of thematic vocabulary in the dictionary, lexical combinations, frequency tables of grammatical classes as part of the frequency dictionary of the writer's language is indicated. The study on Boris Ryzhy’s lexicon was carried out with the aid of a complex methodology that combines quantitative, interpretive and comparative analysis. It is worth pointing out that the methodology of standardized data processing procedures was applied, as well as the comparative analysis of statistical results. Academic novelty of the research work is determined by the creation of a lexicographic web portal, which provides broad spectrum of information for the analysis, including a comparative one, of Boris Ryzhy’s poetic idiolect. At the moment, the concept of the “Digital Frequency Dictionary of Boris Ryzhy’s Language” is fully formed. The lexicographic project is a work in progress.