Individual semantics of L. N. Tolstoy in the context of vector models


The paper presents a digital approach to establishing the features of L.N. Tolstoy's individual semantics by means of vector space models. Two models were built on Tolstoy's texts. One of them was compared with an already available model from the rusvectores website. Special attention in the paper is paid to lexemes “любовь” (“love”) and “поле” (“field”). For the first one, the opposition of true and non-true love, significant in the context of the writer's worldview, is established; the latter is expressed by the words “боготворить” (“idolize”) and “обожать” (“adore”), which are neutral for the Russian language (but not for Tolstoy's language). The lexeme “поле” (“field”) against expectation expresses not battle, but agrarian and landscape meaning. When comparing the word vectors of Tolstoy's idiostyle and the Russian National Corpus, it was possible to identify those lexemes that differ least in semantics in the language and idiostyle. For example, the words “социалист” (“socialist”) and “таинство” (“sacrament”) belong to such lexemes. The method turns out to be promising for supplementing traditional lexicographic practices.