Intimization of webinar discourse in English: constructed dialogue technique


Discursive intimization is responsible for the emotional component of communication. It is manifested in a seemingly intimate mode of interaction. As a result, friendly and trustworthy atmosphere is created, which is essential for mutual understanding between the speakers and their audience, leading to effective information exchange. The aim of this research is to identify linguistic means that transmit intimization in the webinar discourse in English with the help of the constructed dialogue. The research corpus comprises three English-language webinars held by the English First company at the end of 2023 to highlight various issues of the English language teaching. To analyze the research corpus, the methods of the linguopragmatic analysis, including context and speech act analysis, as well as the methods of observation and interpretation were applied. These methods allowed to identify examples of constructed dialogue which are cases of speech recreation of the imagined interlocutor in webinar discourse. The examples of constructed dialogue then were studied by means of discourse analysis and methods of systematization and classification. Constructed dialogue creates polyphony interrupting monologic speech and enriching it with emotions. This allows the speakers to express their attitude to the topic of discussion and enhance their stance. These specifics make constructed dialogue a convenient medium for discourse intimization. The conclusion is made that within the frames of the constructed dialogue intimization is created with the help of such linguistic means as emotionally charged and spoken lexis, addressing the audience with the pronoun you and with other words (guys), questions, inclusive pronoun we and the cooperation verb let’s. It is possible to assume that the use of intimization by means of the constructed dialogue allows to establish a contact between the speakers and their audiences during distance communication and can be efficiently used in modern educational practices.