The image of a businessperson on the landing pages of financial services for business: features of identity stylization


In the era of financial technology, business service landing pages have become an essential component of online marketing communication. These macro media texts significantly influence the perception of promoted products and the creation of target audience images through unique polycode resources. Our research aims to identify common approaches to digital stylization of the identity of businesspeople in the financial services industry. We used a sociosemiotic approach to analyze static images from the online pages of twenty Russian banks. We identified key patterns in visualized meaning: banking service pages predominantly portray businesspeople through indices that correlate with socioeconomic background, displaying a straightforward and reserved communication style. Disparities in images based on gender and race, as well as prevalence of office settings, indicate a conservative approach to representation of the business world. The semiotics of characters include concepts such as success, competence, authority, and digital literacy. In our study, we highlighted the problem of stock identities – a tendency towards mass visual reproduction and stereotyping of businessperson images. Thus, the stylization of the image of Russian businesspeople on financial landing pages is characterized by rationality, conservatism, and conceptualization of success-related status attributes. However, limited diversity in presented identities warrants further investigation.