Specificity of representation of the category of emotiveness in Russian and English media medical discourse (based on the material of doctors' blogs)
The article, based on the material of Russian- and English-language doctors' blogs in social networks, reveals general and specific patterns of representation of the category of emotiveness in medical discourse, caused by the process of its mediatization. It has been established that the analyzed texts quite widely represent lexical and grammatical emotives, which reflect the syncretic nature of this blogosphere, its simultaneous gravitation towards two types of discourse: scientific and media. At the same time, such general patterns of functioning of emotive means in Russian- and English-language medical blogs have been recorded as low frequency of nominative vocabulary of emotions and, on the contrary, active appeal to connotative units that perform a complex emotive-pragmatic function; widespread use of lexemes with the meaning of general and private assessment (hedonistic, emotional, etc.); the technique of duplicating morphological and syntactic emotives, etc. Differences in the use of emotive means in the Russian- and English-language medical blogosphere are due to the peculiarities of the lexical-semantic systems of the analyzed languages, as well as external (sociocultural, psychological, etc.) factors.