Publication schedule
  • №3 September 2024
  • №4 December 2024
  • №1 March 2025
  • №2 June 2025
Lyudmila V. Kulikova
  • Position
  • Affiliation
    Siberian Federal University
  • Degree
    Doctor of Philology
  • Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
  • Biography
  • Publications

Liudmila V. Kulikova, Doctor of Philology, Professor

Director of the School of Philology and Language Communication, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

Head of the Dissertation Council D 999.016.04 for the defense of dissertations for the degree of candidate of sciences and for the degree of doctor of sciences in the following specialties:

10.02.19 Theory of Language (Philology)

10.02.01 Russian Language (Philology)

Expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Order of the Presidium from 27.07.2016)

Member of the editorial board of the scientific journal of the Higher School of Economics "Communications. Media. Design"

Member of the editorial board of the Journal of Siberian Federal University: Humanities and Social Sciences

One of the leading experts in the field of communicative linguistics, intercultural communication, discourse theory;

author of 8 monographs and more than 120 scientific publications, including Scopus and Web of Science

Language inclusion as a potential for interdisciplinary research and educational resource: multicultural experience

  • Year: 2023
  • Volume: 14
  • Issue: 2
  • 8
  • 1235
  • Pages: 23-30