Stylistic evolution of Parision architecture in the 1890s – beginning of 1900s, and its estimation by the Russian architectural critique

Philosophical and cultural studies

The article is devoted to the Grand urban transformation of Paris in the late XIX – early XX centuries. The purpose of this article is, firstly – to learn the main stages of the stylistic evolution of the architecture of houses, secondly – to study the reflection of the general process of stylistic evolution of Parisian architecture in the architecture of the facades of residential and public buildings. Despite the large number of works on the reconstruction of Paris, it is necessary to note that there are no studies specifically dedicated to the stylistic evolution of eclecticism in architecture of the public and apartment buildings, and its transition to the “new style”, either in domestic or in foreign literature. This means that it remains an open space for analyzing the evolution of this architectural style in Paris in the second half of the XIX century. The article also reflects the position of Russian architects of the turn of the centuries, giving an assessment of urban activities in the magazines “Zodchiy” (“the Architect”) and “Stroitel” (“the Builder”).