Year: 2014 Issue: 3 (203)
12670 136164
Publication schedule
  • №3 September 2024
  • №4 December 2024
  • №1 March 2025
  • №2 June 2025

Students feature stories and modern

Political science and area studies
  • 402
  • 6089
  • Pages: 9-18

Key approaches to the study of the phenomenon of nationalism in western political science of the XX century

Political science and area studies
  • 1572
  • 7902
  • Pages: 19-28

Means of social identity formation found in the English mass media

Political science and area studies
  • 360
  • 5929
  • Pages: 29-35

Theoretical grounds of the concept “housing socialization”

Political science and area studies
  • 512
  • 6148
  • Pages: 36-45

Disabled people employment as one of the key quality of life indicators

Political science and area studies
  • 403
  • 5643
  • Pages: 46-53

Legislative base of international cultural funds activities in modern Russia

Legal  aspects  of  state  administration
  • 302
  • 5039
  • Pages: 54-58

The use of “double standard” – the most important problem contemporary international relations

International relationships
  • 457
  • 6702
  • Pages: 59-69

The core dilemmas and role strategies for European neutral states in the framework of the cold war’s international relations system

International relationships
  • 436
  • 6178
  • Pages: 70-74

The Kekkonen Finland between East and West

International relationships
  • 643
  • 6691
  • Pages: 79-84

Changes in the U.S. policy in China after the outbreak of the Second World War

International relationships
  • 368
  • 6213
  • Pages: 85-89

Municipal public administration and provincial government of the Upper Volga region after the reforms of 1870 and 1892

Historical Science and Archeology
  • 567
  • 6636
  • Pages: 90-99

St. Vladimir in the historical memory of the Russian society of the second half of XIX – beginning of XXI century (based on narrative sources)

Historical Science and Archeology
  • 1589
  • 8375
  • Pages: 100-106

The conception of the permanent emerging of science as a philosophical problem

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 421
  • 6271
  • Pages: 107-117

Philosophycal grounds of the quantum mechanics interpretations

Actual problems of education
  • 579
  • 6382
  • Pages: 118-126

Ethical relation to the nature: optimism of the theory and reality of practice

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 454
  • 6261
  • Pages: 127-134

Two approaches to the absurd in Russian philosophical-humanitarian discourse

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 847
  • 7063
  • Pages: 136-144

Stylistic evolution of Parision architecture in the 1890s – beginning of 1900s, and its estimation by the Russian architectural critique

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 634
  • 6669
  • Pages: 145-152

First women architects in Finland and their contribution to the formation of Finnish school of architecture

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 613
  • 6509
  • Pages: 153-159

Interdisciplinary communication courses of physics, life safety and safety of technosphere

Education and pedagogical science
  • 514
  • 6629
  • Pages: 160-165

Up-to-date approaches to professional training of masters of translation and interpretation

Education and pedagogical science
  • 560
  • 6521
  • Pages: 166-173

The engineering academy and the graduate school. Directions cooperation

  • 431
  • 6314
  • Pages: 174-182