The Leningrad region party and state leadership and the development of the Karelian isthmus in the 1940s–early 1950s

Aspects of Russian society history

Purposes: The article relevance is stipulated, because the analyzing of the Soviet politics in regard to the Karelian isthmus have a significant interest. This scrutinizing allows to make conclusions about the “late Stalinism” power system effectiveness. In this connection the article reveals a implementation of this politics in 1940s and 1950s. Methods. The author used a historical-genetical and a questional-chronological methods as main methods of this study. The methods give an opportunity to explore the party leadership motives in a case of decision-making in relation to the Karelian isthmus. Results. In the article evolution of Leningrad region leadership attitude toward former Finnish property and infrastructure on the Karelian isthmus in the context of its developing prospects scrutinizes. As a basis for the article the author used regional party and state bodies’ documents including shorthand records of the Party regional committee bureau. The author arrives at a conclusion that the district leaders justified poor state of economy in the districts by Finnish origin of buildings and infrastructure. The old regional leadership existed until 1949 did not perceived the references seriously and this leaders aspired to compel its subordinates to more effective work. The new leadership apprehended the references as a guide to action. This leaders supposed that the optimal solution of all problems is destroying of Finnish infrastructure and creating of new Soviet infrastructure.