About the communicative space of meanings and fakes


Review of the book “Fakes: communication, meanings, responsibility”. Collective monograph / S.T. Zolyan, N.A. Probst, Zh.R. Sladkevich, G.L. Tulchinsky; ed. by G.L. Tulchinsky. – St. Petersburg: Aleteia, 2021. Abstract: The article examines the characteristics of such relevant and dynamically spreading phenomena in the modern media space as “fake”, “fake news”, “post-truth”. The reviewed book describes such relevant and dynamically spreading phenomena in the modern media space as “fake”, “fake news”, “post-truth”. The monograph allows you not only to get acquainted with the world of “fakes”, but also to dive into the issues that their active use in public communication generates, affecting the values, behavior, and thinking of the recipients. The text introduces the reader to the meanings of “fake”, their communicative and emotional–evaluative nature, the channels of distribution of "post-truth" and "fakes" in the media and digital environment, the semantics and pragmatics of fakes, the requirements for the responsibility of communicators. The paper defines the boundaries and the degree of penetration of fake content in the communication practices of the network community, notes that fake content can be meanings, texts, people, as well as media channels. The article examines the emergence of such postmodern phenomena as “clip consciousness”, “user generated content”, “homo digitalis”, “fragmentary thinking”. The article notes the conventionality of the concept of “truth” and the possibility of verifying messages, for example, by experts or public opinion leaders. Under the influence of the postmodern paradigm, not experts, but new idols of the audience from the Internet space take over the minds and time of subscribers and “involved”, hence the consequences: a crisis of expertise, a drop in the level of trust and the formation of the “post-truth” environment, these issues are reflected in the collective work “Fakes: communication, meanings, responsibility”.