Philosophical education in post-soviet Russia: horizons of opportunities

Education and Culture

The article is devoted to the analysis of the situation that has developed in post-Soviet Russia with a philosophical education. The question of the legitimization of philosophy in modern society is directly related to how, in what social spaces and through what educational tools philosophical investments are made. The use of the methodology of problematization, descriptive analytics and contextualization made it possible to identify the trends that can be traced in the constitution of philosophical educational pragmatics, as well as to identify the causes of the latter. Outside the sphere of philosophical educational, practices of knowledge popularization among the general population regular and purposeful received a lot of attention in post-Soviet Russia. Modern Russian philosophical education is confined only to the limits of higher education. The tendency of further purposeful restriction of this space is clearly manifested: philosophy is no longer a mandatory discipline in the training of highly qualified specialists. There are several reasons for this, both socially objective, related to the historical circumstances of the development of philosophy in Russia, and subjective, related to the specifics of philosophical knowledge as such and its “uncompetitiveness” today with the privileged model of the world order. The first is the identification of philosophy and ideology, which has not been overcome since the time of socialism. The second is a rather indifferent attitude to all kinds of communicative and technological innovations in general, and the heuristic and methodological advantages they can give to education in particular. The use of the technological innovations does not give any conceptually significant increment for the discipline. The status of the “agent” himself, the figure of the philosopher, who is nominally present in the current system of the social division of labor as the corresponding position in the state nomenclature register of legitimately nominated professions, remains ambiguous and uncertain, but in reality is absent.