Language engineering and applied linguistics today: The chronicle of the IV International conference “R. Piotrowski’s Readings – 2022”

Conference materials “R. Piotrowski’s readings – 2022”

This chronicle provides an overview of the IV International Conference on Language Engineering and Applied Linguistics “R. Piotrowski’s Readings – 2022” held on November 22, 2022, in Herzen State University (St. Petersburg, Russia). The conference was organized to mark the 100th anniversary of Rajmund G. Piotrowski’s birth (1922–2009), a Russian scientist, professor, Honored scientist of Russia. R.G. Piotrowski was the founder of Language Engineering School, pioneer of MT in Russia, initiator of engineering-linguistic strategy in research and practical methodological work, and evidence-based paradigm in methodology of humanitarian research. The article presents a brief outline of R.G. Piotrowski’s scientific legacy. It focuses on various methodological approaches and research practices in the field of engineering and applied linguistics contributed by the conference participants.