Year: 2015 Issue: 1 (215)
13291 157570
Publication schedule
  • №3 September 2024
  • №4 December 2024
  • №1 March 2025
  • №2 June 2025

Axiological dimension of political discourse

Political science and area studies
  • 356
  • 6199
  • Pages: 9-17

social security and it′s place in the national security system

Political science and area studies
  • 894
  • 7184
  • Pages: 18-23

Security potential of the states in the post-Soviet sp ace

Political science and area studies
  • 394
  • 6339
  • Pages: 24-31

Special features of the regional policy in China

Political science and area studies
  • 731
  • 6865
  • Pages: 32-37

A comparative analysis of the main regional organizations in the Asia-Pacific region

Political science and area studies
  • 708
  • 6762
  • Pages: 38-48

Finland’s role in the EU – Russ ia relations

International relationships
  • 435
  • 6348
  • Pages: 49-52

Geopolitics of China in the Arctic

International relationships
  • 1039
  • 7619
  • Pages: 53-58

Public opinion and international relations

International relationships
  • 716
  • 6887
  • Pages: 59-67

The present stage characteristics of international relations informatization

International relationships
  • 442
  • 6297
  • Pages: 68-72

Imp act of the USSR state policy on ass imilation of Veps ians in the XX century

Historical Science and Archeology
  • 443
  • 6566
  • Pages: 73-82

Organization of the military press in the Soviet Russ ia during the Civil War (based on the materials of the newspaper “Boevaya pravda” in 1919–1920)

Historical Science and Archeology
  • 441
  • 6266
  • Pages: 83-91

Military south Russ ia’s women mobilization during the Great Patriotic War

Historical Science and Archeology
  • 493
  • 6276
  • Pages: 92-101

The Soviet authorities and intellectuals in 1960s–1980s (on the materials of the federal and regional archives)

Historical Science and Archeology
  • 573
  • 6642
  • Pages: 102-108

The relations between the state and the church in the period of Perestroika 1985–1991

Historical Science and Archeology
  • 437
  • 6544
  • Pages: 109-115

The prerequsites of the formation of the leisure culture of the Soviet city in the 1920s

Historical Science and Archeology
  • 400
  • 6440
  • Pages: 116-124

The philosophical theory of criticism : the categories of modality

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 303
  • 6089
  • Pages: 125-132

Ep istemology of emerging of mathematical abstractions

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 375
  • 6482
  • Pages: 133-139

Relations between civil society and power in Russ ia. social and historical context

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 411
  • 6548
  • Pages: 140-145

The problem of the relationship of ideology and science in contemporary epistemology

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 867
  • 6878
  • Pages: 146-153

Experience of the Pe ter the Great St. Pe tersburg Polytechnic University to create joint educational institutions of higher profess ional education in the South-Eastern As ia

Education and pedagogical science
  • 419
  • 6171
  • Pages: 154-160

Ed ucation in the context of the concept of a sustainable developm ent

Education and pedagogical science
  • 545
  • 6486
  • Pages: 161-171

The variability of self-presentation as a subject of ps ychological research

Education and pedagogical science
  • 890
  • 6754
  • Pages: 172-177

Peculiarities of teaching profess ional vocabulary translation in technical colleges in terms of didactic trilingualism (with English and German languages as examples)

Education and pedagogical science
  • 349
  • 6429
  • Pages: 178-183

Pedagogical views of L.N. Tolstoy on the problem of creating a comf ortable developing environment of the school

Education and pedagogical science
  • 627
  • 6499
  • Pages: 184-191