The problem of origins of industrial and technical education in the USSR in the first half of the 20th century (a historical sketch)

Historical Science and Archeology

The article contains a comparative historical analysis of the matter, basic forms and methodological organizing principles of the educational process in the industrial secondary schools in 1920–1930th. To achieve the objectives of the study a comparative method of analysis of archival documents and educational materials has been used; the methodological principle of the unity of the historical and logical, abstract and concrete has been applied. The main results of the study include the fact that in the 1920s the pedagogical innovation was a common characteristic for industrial technical schools, which was expressed in the elaboration of active forms and methods of training and education. as a result of unification of the education in the 1930s the didactic and methodological experience of the previous decade was actually abandoned and there was a trend to heavily politicize and ideologies the education.