Stratification of the lexicon of the modern Russian language and its reflection in the explanatory dictionary: ways of the discussion (round table review)

Applied Linguistics

The article is a review of the problem-methodical round table devoted to the stratification of the vocabulary of the modern Russian language and its reflection in the explanatory dictionary. The purpose of the round table is correlated with the objectives of a research project aimed to identify features of the stylistic stratification of the Russian literary language of the early twenty-first century and the production, on an interdisciplinary basis, of adequate ways of its reflection in the dictionary of a normative type (in this case, “Academic Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Language”). Russian lexicon stylistic stratification, its representation in the explanatory dictionary as the most important public source of knowledge about the language, the description in such a dictionary of units of lexical groups reflecting the active processes in the spoken and book-written varieties of the literary language, the use in this work of the resources of the Russian National Corpus (RNC) were discussed. On the example of the analysis of units of different lexical groups and subject areas (“Colloquial vocabulary of vernacular origin”; “Informatics”, “Political Science”, “Religion and Church”) it is shown that the introduction of such vocabulary in dictionaries requires mandatory involvement of specialists in each subject area, as well as the development of a special approach to the selection of words (to the compilation of the dictionary), and the principles of compiling dictionary entries. The article contains scientific and methodological recommendations on improving the ways of presenting stylistic categories of vocabulary in the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language. It is concluded that it is necessary to develop a stylistic classification of the vocabulary of the selected groups, which would, firstly, be confirmed by modern language material, and secondly, would be practically applicable in the compilation of General explanatory dictionaries.