Educational digital longform article as a multimodal text: on the issue of the genre specifics

Digital Communication Across Genres and Communicative Practices

The digitalization has affected all areas of communication, significant changes have occurred in the educational environment. This paper discusses the possibilities of including digital texts in the educational process. Digital longform Journalism has recently attracted increased attention among Internet users, including teachers. Сonsequently Digital Longform journalistic works must be considered not only in terms of journalism but also as an effective learning material. Potential of digital technologies is to integrate photographs, videos, information graphics, audios, animation effects into educational text. The transmission of information using different semiotic systems allows us to consider Digital longform Journalism as a multimodal genre. In order to analyze the possibilities of using Digital longform Journalism in learning, educational longform text are described: we have analyzed their structural organization and content, as well as the interaction of verbal and audiovisual components. As a result of the study ways of using Digital longform Journalism in the educational process are proposed: It can be used for the presentation of educational material and as the form of the final student project.