From experience in implementing an interdisciplinary linguistic project and network promotion of it’s scientific results

Digital Communication: Promoting of Scientific and Educational Issues

The article presents the experience of the research project implementation, using methods that are developed on an interdisciplinary basis. These methods adequately reflect the characteristics inherent to the stylistic stratification of the Russian literary language lexicon at the beginning of the 21st century in a normative type of the explanatory dictionary (in this case, in the “Academic Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language”). It is noted that such projects, aimed at solving various research problems, require the involvement of experts of a wide range of scientific specialties, that is facilitated by network communication. The authors analyze features and effectiveness of network communication of specialists working, on the one hand, in the field of linguistics (lexicography) and on the other hand, in the fields of computer science, political science, etc. It is concluded that the active involvement of specialists in the compilation of an explanatory dictionary of the modern Russian language allows lexicographers several options. Compiling a vocabulary and dictionary entries reflects both the processes of the transition of stylistically colored lexicon from one register to another and the entry of special terms of various sciences (technical and social) into the common language.