Publication schedule
  • №3 September 2024
  • №4 December 2024
  • №1 March 2025
  • №2 June 2025

Articles by keywords "quality of education"

Internal system for assessing quality of education: independent assessment of professional competences of teaching staff

Education and Culture
  • Year: 2019
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 2
  • 37
  • 5477
  • Pages: 112-122

Increasing the efficiency of teaching a professionally oriented foreign language based on authentic texts

Problems of higher school
  • Year: 2018
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 4
  • 22
  • 6026
  • Pages: 77-87

The project “Promotion of Russian language and education in Russian” as a factor in improving the quality of training of foreign students at the Polytechnic University

Education and pedagogical science
  • Year: 2016
  • Issue: 1
  • 6
  • 5597
  • Pages: 177-185

Subjective aspects of monitoring the quality of educational services (based on the materials of the SPbPU Center for sociological research)

Education and pedagogical science
  • Year: 2018
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 1
  • 11
  • 6179
  • Pages: 90-101

Student opinion poll as a tool for assessing customer satisfaction with the quality of education on master’s degree programme “Linguistics”

Education and pedagogical science
  • Year: 2015
  • Issue: 4
  • 207
  • 5785
  • Pages: 175-181

The assessment of activity effectiveness of higher school teaching employees

Problems of higher school
  • Year: 2016
  • Issue: 3
  • 138
  • 5882
  • Pages: 154-161