Year: 2013 Issue: 2 (172)
27031 241714
Publication schedule
  • №3 September 2024
  • №4 December 2024
  • №1 March 2025
  • №2 June 2025

Russian education in the context of the modern social and economic structure

Problems of XXI century
  • 485
  • 6399
  • Pages: 9-18

Modernization  as  a  method  of  overcoming  systemic  crisis  and  protecting  cultural  and civilization identity of Russia

Problems of XXI century
  • 461
  • 6307
  • Pages: 19-27

Patriotism as a requirement for a successful modernization project

Problems of XXI century
  • 412
  • 6374
  • Pages: 28-33

Political models of the world order

Problems of XXI century
  • 752
  • 6937
  • Pages: 34-37

National and unifying spirit of Evrasia

The phenomenon of Eurasianism
  • 0
  • 5500
  • Pages: 38-41

Euroasian union: problems, prospects

The phenomenon of Eurasianism
  • 624
  • 6159
  • Pages: 41-48

“The emergence of Eurasianism as an ideological movement”

The phenomenon of Eurasianism
  • 859
  • 6772
  • Pages: 49-56

“The Euroasian text”: linguistics – subjectivity – the open horizons

The phenomenon of Eurasianism
  • 566
  • 6424
  • Pages: 57-61

“Scale  of  values”  as  key  concept  of  the  Euroasian  integration  (a  conservative  view  on  a problem)

The phenomenon of Eurasianism
  • 445
  • 6189
  • Pages: 65-70

Dialogue of cultures: Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy and the Ottoman Empire

The phenomenon of Eurasianism
  • 1157
  • 7222
  • Pages: 71-75

Management of cultural processes in Kyrgyzstan at the first years of Soviet authority

The phenomenon of Eurasianism
  • 472
  • 6236
  • Pages: 76-82

The historical context in early narratives Chingiz Aitmatov

The phenomenon of Eurasianism
  • 631
  • 6490
  • Pages: 83-87

Method of design of historical events in work of L.N. Gumilev “In searches of the invented empire”

The phenomenon of Eurasianism
  • 511
  • 6492
  • Pages: 88-94

Fostering the personality of a contemporary student as a core objective of Russian higher education

Professional education
  • 594
  • 6730
  • Pages: 95-100

The  ethic-professional  aspect  of  preparation  of  future  specialists  to  the  research  activity

Professional education
  • 527
  • 6315
  • Pages: 101-107

Formation of a foreign language business communication competence in non-linguistic ma courses

Professional education
  • 1373
  • 7753
  • Pages: 108-113

Theoretical and methodological reasons for continuous vocational education in the design sphere

Professional education
  • 526
  • 6323
  • Pages: 114-120

Computer models medical imaging in practice of studying “Human anatomy”

Professional education
  • 830
  • 6801
  • Pages: 121-125

The method of forming of English scientific speech in engineering students

Professional education
  • 450
  • 6215
  • Pages: 126-129

Activity  of  the  right  groups  in  the  State  Council of the Russian Empire in the conditions of political crisis of 1915

Aspects of Russian society history
  • 638
  • 6434
  • Pages: 130-138

University reform in 1884 in St. Petersburg Universit

Aspects of Russian society history
  • 1403
  • 8364
  • Pages: 139-145

The party “True Finns” in the political system of Finland

International relationships
  • 663
  • 6853
  • Pages: 146-153

The Russian-Kyrgyzstani relations after the people’s revolution in Kyrgyzstan (2010—2012)

International relationships
  • 728
  • 6687
  • Pages: 154-162

The Russian-Turkmenistani relations under the presidency of Dmitry Medvedev: towards the strategic partnership

International relationships
  • 1084
  • 7198
  • Pages: 163-174

Model of global e-Government

International relationships
  • 482
  • 6296
  • Pages: 175-179

Nominalism as ideological basis of reformation

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 569
  • 6393
  • Pages: 180-189

“Philosophy of technics” in system of the higher technical education

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 468
  • 6392
  • Pages: 190-194

Ressentiment elite in Bonapartism genesis

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 656
  • 6691
  • Pages: 195-201

“Sage” as the element of the political myth in the first century A.D. China

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 808
  • 6712
  • Pages: 202-207

The  unity  of  diverses  in  understanding  of  social  management  in  history  of  philosophy  until the middle of the 19th century

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 417
  • 6044
  • Pages: 208-212

Language as an instrument of social interaction: the pragmatic and semiotic approaches

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 485
  • 6283
  • Pages: 213-218

Problems of mass media political discourse translation from English into Russian

Actual problems of linguistics
  • 1960
  • 8638
  • Pages: 219-225

Translation of political texts: linguopragmatic aspect (by the material of Chinese newspapers)

Actual problems of linguistics
  • 3291
  • 10434
  • Pages: 226-230

Academician Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky (the150th anniversary

  • 495
  • 6162
  • Pages: 231-236

V.I. Vernadsky — at the intersection of science and eras(“Round Table”  at the House of Scientists)

  • 543
  • 6275
  • Pages: 237-242

Chronicle of Russian Art Studies(first half of XIX century)

  • 663
  • 6220
  • Pages: 243-254