Year: 2017 Volume: 8 Issue: 2
735 78465
Publication schedule
  • №3 September 2024
  • №4 December 2024
  • №1 March 2025
  • №2 June 2025

The contours of the future of the social in the singular reality: a sociological approach to the problem

Problems of XXI century
  • 87
  • 6408
  • Pages: 7-19

The problem of social adaptation in new communication environments

Problems of XXI century
  • 76
  • 6682
  • Pages: 20-30

Computer self­naming: language persona and language game in computer names (based on materials of Russian and Estonian virtual space)

Problems of XXI century
  • 8
  • 6229
  • Pages: 31-40

The event of ancient Greek ontology in the historical perspective. The first stage: pre­socratics — sophists — Socrates

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 43
  • 5829
  • Pages: 41-51

Language as an object of knowledge: specific features of humanities

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 90
  • 6204
  • Pages: 52-60

Philosophical background of the design of interactions in a man­made world: a civilizational approach in the works of A.V. Soldatov

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 27
  • 5815
  • Pages: 61-67

The concept of spontaneous imagination in M. Heidegger’s ontology

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 58
  • 6080
  • Pages: 68-74

Philosophy of dignity and its subject

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 51
  • 5861
  • Pages: 75-82

The concept of a “symphonic personality” in the philosophy of L.P. Karsavin

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 59
  • 6217
  • Pages: 83-88

Study of modern anglicisms in university English classes

Problems of higher school
  • 48
  • 5604
  • Pages: 89-98

Creating the sense of responsibility in students as a means of preventing cheating

Problems of higher school
  • 40
  • 5556
  • Pages: 99-106

Strategy for developing professionally oriented foreign languages education in tertiary education

Professional education
  • 73
  • 6143
  • Pages: 107-114

The creative path of the honored worker of science of the Russian Federation Alexander V. Soldatov (The 70th anniversary of birth)

  • 51
  • 5812
  • Pages: 115-118