Year: 2019 Volume: 10 Issue: 3
Pages: 138
285 62189
Publication schedule
  • №3 September 2024
  • №4 December 2024
  • №1 March 2025
  • №2 June 2025

Artifacts of parchment production in the old Russian codes of late XIV – early XV centuries (by the materials of The Department of manuscripts of the RNL)

Historical Science and Archeology
  • 16
  • 5360
  • Pages: 7-15

The game in the modern world: a socio-philosophical analysis

  • 31
  • 5959
  • Pages: 16-27

On the correlation of mental and neurophysiological processes in the functioning of mirror brain cells: communicative aspect

  • 16
  • 5517
  • Pages: 28-39

Scientific and technological trajectories: the experience of applying socio-humanitarian approaches to forecasting

  • 24
  • 6292
  • Pages: 40-50

Hedging vs tolerance in presenting the scientific result in research articles (based on English research articles of the humanities field)

Applied Linguistics
  • 20
  • 5400
  • Pages: 51-57

Invariability and variability of expository text comprehension by schoolchildren and university students (the results of the experimental study via the keywords method)

Applied Linguistics
  • 22
  • 5767
  • Pages: 58-73

Automatic identification of mental actions in scientific empirical texts

Applied Linguistics
  • 37
  • 5679
  • Pages: 74-88

Improving the quality of training specialists using psychodynamic characteristics

Theory and Methods of Training and Education
  • 12
  • 5824
  • Pages: 89-99

Continuity in formation of writing skills teaching a foreign language to engineering students: problems and possible solutions

Theory and Methods of Training and Education
  • 17
  • 5510
  • Pages: 100-112

Scientific fantasy as a form of adaptation to the future

Education and Culture
  • 22
  • 5692
  • Pages: 113-123

Study of the development of the mathematical competence of Chinese students in the preparatory faculty in Russia

Education and Culture
  • 6
  • 5189
  • Pages: 124-136