Year: 2018 Volume: 9 Issue: 3
Pages: 121
294 76436
Publication schedule
  • №3 September 2024
  • №4 December 2024
  • №1 March 2025
  • №2 June 2025

Struggle for a “new” morality at the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute in the 1920s

Aspects of Russian society history
  • 24
  • 6326
  • Pages: 7-15

Implementation of the “soft power” policy of China in the Asia-Pacific region

International relationships
  • 13
  • 6403
  • Pages: 16-27

Global Cities as a center of global services

International relationships
  • 29
  • 6544
  • Pages: 28-38

Formation of cross-border socio-cultural space of Karelia (Republic of Karelia, Russia – North Karelia, Finland)

International relationships
  • 34
  • 6428
  • Pages: 39-48

Globalization processes and choice of modern civilizational development orientations

Problems of XXI century
  • 13
  • 6154
  • Pages: 49-56

Problems of forming the professional responsibility of the engineer in the conditions of modern innovative activity

Problems of XXI century
  • 22
  • 6329
  • Pages: 57-65

Simulation of “symbolic” in Baudrillard’s concept of mass media

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 21
  • 6364
  • Pages: 66-78

Manipulative receptivity of teenagers and virtual reality

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 17
  • 6388
  • Pages: 79-86

A model of productive foreign language training in higher education: renovation of academic resources

Education and pedagogical science
  • 32
  • 6759
  • Pages: 87-99

Personalities as units of teaching Russian as a foreign language

Education and pedagogical science
  • 14
  • 6238
  • Pages: 100-106

arly adaptation stage for foreign students: objectives and approaches

Education and pedagogical science
  • 19
  • 6112
  • Pages: 107-115

Mikhail Vasilik: founder of the Humanities faculty at the Polytechnic University

  • 8
  • 6391
  • Pages: 116-119