Publication schedule
  • №3 September 2024
  • №4 December 2024
  • №1 March 2025
  • №2 June 2025

Articles from section "Reviews"

Language and culture as the subject matter of modern linguistics: A review on Holger Kuße's book “Culture-oriented linguistics. Introduction”. Moscow: Gnosis Publishing House, 2023. ISBN: 978-5-94244-079-4-

  • Year: 2023
  • Volume: 14
  • Issue: 4
  • 6
  • 776
  • Pages: 150-157

Political correctness as a bilingual lexicography object: Review of “English-Russian dictionary of politically correct language” by A.V. Vakhrusheva, E.V. Volkova. St. Peterburg: SPbGUP, 2023. ISBN 978-5-7621-1206-2

  • Year: 2023
  • Volume: 14
  • Issue: 4
  • 6
  • 831
  • Pages: 142-149

Translation and Intertextuality: a review on Galina Denissova's book “Linguistic Conflictology and Translation in a Multicultural World”. Moscow: BOS Publishing House, 2023. ISBN 978-5-905117-74-9

  • Year: 2023
  • Volume: 14
  • Issue: 2
  • 9
  • 1315
  • Pages: 102-107

Dimensions of Identity. Review of “Identities: Semiotics of Representation and Pragmatics of Stance”. Kaliningrad. 2022

  • Year: 2022
  • Volume: 13
  • Issue: 4
  • 18
  • 1750
  • Pages: 87-92

Comprehending the meaning of the text: notes on the margins of the book “The Fiction Text: Formulas of Meaning”

  • Year: 2022
  • Volume: 13
  • Issue: 4
  • 10
  • 1908
  • Pages: 80-86

About the communicative space of meanings and fakes

  • Year: 2021
  • Volume: 12
  • Issue: 2
  • 36
  • 3732
  • Pages: 137-146

Chinese-Russian cultural relations: traditions of the academic dialogue. Review on the collective monograph “A history of the cultural exchanges between China and Russia”

  • Year: 2019
  • Volume: 10
  • Issue: 4
  • 54
  • 5605
  • Pages: 103-110

The ideas of sociology in Russian historiography: new pages

  • Year: 2017
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 4
  • 22
  • 5905
  • Pages: 146-150

Review of the collection of articles “Parliamentarism in the Member States of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States”

  • Year: 2017
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 3
  • 53
  • 5946
  • Pages: 153-155