Year: 2016 Issue: 2 (244)
2456 117437
Publication schedule
  • №3 September 2024
  • №4 December 2024
  • №1 March 2025
  • №2 June 2025

Terrorism in the context of global dangers of peaceful development of humanity

Political science and area studies
  • 122
  • 5719
  • Pages: 9-20

The national self-consciousness of the Russians and nationalism

Political science and area studies
  • 130
  • 5858
  • Pages: 21-27

Role of a visual and narrative image in provoking of affect of weight

Political science and area studies
  • 186
  • 5845
  • Pages: 28-36

The Eurasian view of world and strategy of modern higher education

Political science and area studies
  • 144
  • 5809
  • Pages: 37-44

The problems of ensuring information security of the BRICS countries in the context of contemporary international threats

International relationships
  • 4
  • 5757
  • Pages: 45-51

The features of social and economic development of the Lower Volga region in the Great Patriotic War

Historical Science and Archeology
  • 0
  • 5659
  • Pages: 52-58

The participation of the Orthodox clergy in the movement of Soviet resistance in the occupied territory of the North-West of Russia in 1941-1944

Historical Science and Archeology
  • 244
  • 6157
  • Pages: 59-65

The Novgorodian Archbishop Feodosiy as the prominent monk of the Iosifo-Volokolamsky monastery

Historical Science and Archeology
  • 249
  • 5992
  • Pages: 66-74


Historical Science and Archeology
  • 160
  • 5963
  • Pages: 75-82

Dialectics and synergetics

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 148
  • 6084
  • Pages: 83-89

Origin of personality element in ancient philosophy, religion, culture

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 139
  • 5919
  • Pages: 90-97

Philosophical interpretation of the concept “care”: from “medicine” in antiquity to the “great to be” in the present

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 8
  • 5749
  • Pages: 98-104

Representation of Russian orthodox philosophers about good and harm

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 253
  • 6316
  • Pages: 105-115

The critical construction in sociology (from the lectures of academician A.S. Lappo-Danilevsky)

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 117
  • 5899
  • Pages: 116-123

The Internet as a new type of space

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 19
  • 5836
  • Pages: 124-130

The normative legal and methodological bases of formation of fund assets valuation of the basic educational programs of higher education

Actual problems of education
  • 150
  • 6099
  • Pages: 131-139

Modern education: the impact of the IT activity on verbal intelligence

Education and pedagogical science
  • 186
  • 5920
  • Pages: 140-145

Information-technological environment and the evolution of the physical picture of the word

Education and pedagogical science
  • 187
  • 5957
  • Pages: 146-154

Collaboration on various stages of preparing training linguistics majors for doing scientific research

Education and pedagogical science
  • 2
  • 5353
  • Pages: 155-163

To the 90 anniversary since the birth of Vladimir Ivanovich Maximov

  • 2
  • 5546
  • Pages: 164-167