Year: 2014 Issue: 1 (191)
25534 265128
Publication schedule
  • №3 September 2024
  • №4 December 2024
  • №1 March 2025
  • №2 June 2025

Problem of development of uniform criterion of the ethical assessment of historic facts

Problems of XXI century
  • 408
  • 5436
  • Pages: 11-17

Students’ perceptions of the values of collectivism and individualism in political advertisement

Problems of XXI century
  • 394
  • 6253
  • Pages: 18-27

The two-level formation of translation competence of technical university students

Professional education
  • 646
  • 6575
  • Pages: 28-35

Scientific text in the humanities as a specific text type (based on English scientific texts)

Professional education
  • 856
  • 6946
  • Pages: 36-43

Pedagogical conditions of formation foreign entrants communicative competence in the educational and professional sphere of communication at the initial stage of preparation to Russian high school

Professional education
  • 1099
  • 7166
  • Pages: 44-58

Comparative analysis of ideas of students, methodologists and employers of the necessary contents of teaching foreign languages in the technical university magistracy

Professional education
  • 506
  • 6435
  • Pages: 59-64

Scientific literature reading at foreign language non-linguistic MA courses as an aspect of professional training

Professional education
  • 349
  • 6015
  • Pages: 65-70

Techniques to increase students’ cognitive activity in the system of professional education (drawing on the example of teaching foreign languages in non-language higher school)

Professional education
  • 429
  • 6152
  • Pages: 71-75

About the pedagogical forum “Humanistic ideas of Ivanov I.P. in modern education” dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Ivanov I.P. (St. Petersburg, 2—8 November 2013).

Actual problems of education
  • 314
  • 6230
  • Pages: 76-77

Humanistic psihopedagogika of teambuilding on the principles of the general care

Actual problems of education
  • 731
  • 6525
  • Pages: 78-87

Methodological potential of the concept of the collective creative education

Actual problems of education
  • 1280
  • 7521
  • Pages: 88-96

Modernity and traditionalism of pedagogy common concern

Actual problems of education
  • 546
  • 6209
  • Pages: 97-106

Social work as a modern method of realization of ideas of collective creative education

Actual problems of education
  • 557
  • 6278
  • Pages: 107-112

Dynamic synergy invisible assets children and youth multi-aged unions

Actual problems of education
  • 561
  • 6163
  • Pages: 113-120

Studying of socio-perceptive imagesand life-meaningful orientations of different generationsincluded in collective creative activity

Actual problems of education
  • 821
  • 6734
  • Pages: 121-131

The problem of an individual and a collective: a modern view through the prism of the ideas of A.S. Makarenko and I.P. Ivanov

Actual problems of education
  • 1022
  • 6893
  • Pages: 132-139

Conditions of formation humanist position of teenagers in the team collaboration

Actual problems of education
  • 454
  • 5933
  • Pages: 140-146

Psycho-cybernetic analysis pedagogy of a collective creative education

Actual problems of education
  • 624
  • 6312
  • Pages: 147-156

Using the principles of pedagogy collective creative life when assessing the level of formation of intercultural competence of students of a technical university

Actual problems of education
  • 391
  • 6125
  • Pages: 157-160

Communards’ meeting as a kind of open space cultural and educational technology

Actual problems of education
  • 494
  • 6415
  • Pages: 161-168

Igor Petrovich Ivanov — the fate of Teacher and Person in the context of XX century Russia

Actual problems of education
  • 853
  • 6848
  • Pages: 169-179

I.P. Ivanov’s pedagogy — analysis and reconstructing the ideas

Actual problems of education
  • 393
  • 6032
  • Pages: 180-184

Concord of generations as base of pedagogy of general care

Actual problems of education
  • 488
  • 6348
  • Pages: 185-190

Principles of organization and functioning of animation activities in the education system, education and the organization of children’s leisure

Questions of psychology
  • 449
  • 6360
  • Pages: 191-199

Memorialization of remembrance of the victims of the Great Patriotic war in the North-West of Russia

Aspects of Russian society history
  • 503
  • 6633
  • Pages: 200-206

About the Activity of the Russian Orthodox Church Higher Governance in the end of 1920th — the first half of 1930th

Aspects of Russian society history
  • 390
  • 6123
  • Pages: 207-214

The image of Turkey and the Turks in the texts of Russian literature of the XIX—XX centuries in the context of the formation of the modern historical memory of Russians

Aspects of Russian society history
  • 2637
  • 9666
  • Pages: 215-223

Some legal aspects of safe utilization of radioactive wastes and nuclear fuel in the conditions of modern international legal order

International relationships
  • 414
  • 6158
  • Pages: 224-238

Finland between East and West: Paasikivi line as a basis for Finnish neutrality

International relationships
  • 503
  • 6562
  • Pages: 239-247

“The phenomenon of Koivisto” in the history of Finland

International relationships
  • 571
  • 6354
  • Pages: 248-253

Prospects of subjectivity research in modern philosophy

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 434
  • 6387
  • Pages: 254-260

Avatar is the individual choice of identification of a personality

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 345
  • 6242
  • Pages: 261-268

Social activity of a man in the discourse of secular theology

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 426
  • 6156
  • Pages: 269-274

Social knowledge: the limits to growth

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 516
  • 6324
  • Pages: 275-284

Significance of psychoanalysis in arsenal of liberal ideology

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 756
  • 6702
  • Pages: 285-289

Actual aspects of public administration theoretical conceptualization

Philosophical and cultural studies
  • 411
  • 6245
  • Pages: 290-297

Pictorial charts in infographics: scope of application, classification and rules of construction

Theory of art
  • 865
  • 6515
  • Pages: 298-306

Development of a “Literature of ruins”: association “Group 47”

Theory of art
  • 802
  • 6848
  • Pages: 307-311

Professor, Nobel laureate Dorothy Crowfoot-Hodgkin

  • 416
  • 6283
  • Pages: 312-315

Diagnosis and ways of treatment of our society

  • 403
  • 5968
  • Pages: 316-319

The history and the future of the department’s libraries of the university (To 115-anniversary of the St. Petersburg State Polythechnical University)

  • 472
  • 6058
  • Pages: 320-324