Publication schedule
№4 December 2024
№1 March 2025
№2 June 2025
Articles by keywords "ACTIVITY"
Ontology of knowledge in the training of specialist-creator
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 4
- 17
- 4660
- Pages: 29-40
Analysis of readiness of students of the Polytechnical University to entrepreneurial activity
- Year: 2020
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 1
- 30
- 5531
- Pages: 100-113
Manipulative receptivity of teenagers and virtual reality
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 9
- Issue: 3
- 17
- 6704
- Pages: 79-86
“The spirit of capitalism” in the public mood system of the first half of XIX century Russia
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 6051
- Pages: 149-154
To the 90 anniversary since the birth of Vladimir Ivanovich Maximov
- Year: 2016
- Issue: 2
- 2
- 5998
- Pages: 164-167
Collaboration on various stages of preparing training linguistics majors for doing scientific research
- Year: 2016
- Issue: 2
- 2
- 5742
- Pages: 155-163
The complex approach as a modern requirement to writing a textbook on scientific language style for foreign students of non-linguistic courses
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 9
- Issue: 1
- 5
- 6797
- Pages: 102-111
The problems of the structural dynamics in learning sp ecialists by the higher educational institutes of Russ ia
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 4
- 156
- 6446
- Pages: 144-152
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 4
- 266
- 6207
- Pages: 0-0
Systematization of social-communicative contacts and the analysis of role installations in show business
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 4
- 0
- 6076
- Pages: 156-159
Modern problems of pedagogical designing of vocational training of experts
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 4
- 0
- 6262
- Pages: 112-115
The assessment of activity effectiveness of higher school teaching employees
- Year: 2016
- Issue: 3
- 138
- 6289
- Pages: 154-161
The engineering academy and the graduate school. Directions cooperation
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 3
- 431
- 6618
- Pages: 174-182
Legal aspects of activity of international maritime organization
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 6170
- Pages: 82-85
The peculiarities of microtext formation in scientificspeech as a reflectionof the process of cognitive activity
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 6173
- Pages: 29-36
Podcasts as a ground for teaching listening based on integrated basis
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 6466
- Pages: 89-95
Forming educational text features from the points of post-nonclassical pedagogical methodology
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 6176
- Pages: 60-66
Modern education: the impact of the IT activity on verbal intelligence
- Year: 2016
- Issue: 2
- 186
- 6301
- Pages: 140-145
The Eurasian view of world and strategy of modern higher education
- Year: 2016
- Issue: 2
- 144
- 6245
- Pages: 37-44
Issues of organizing ethical education with international students
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 2
- 430
- 6591
- Pages: 186-194
Luther and Calvin on man and his freedom: religious foundation of the modern European type of personality
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 2
- 568
- 6848
- Pages: 139-145
Fostering the personality of a contemporary student as a core objective of Russian higher education
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 2
- 594
- 7132
- Pages: 95-100
The evolution of views on the essence of creativity in the history of western culture
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 6161
- Pages: 224-230
The discipline «Psychology of editing» as a way of forming a professional editor’s thinking
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 6068
- Pages: 59-63
Lobbying activity: concept and representation system of legal regulation
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 2
- 0
- 6069
- Pages: 57-62
Social activity of a man in the discourse of secular theology
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 1
- 426
- 6483
- Pages: 269-274
Memorialization of remembrance of the victims of the Great Patriotic war in the North-West of Russia
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 1
- 504
- 6994
- Pages: 200-206
Principles of organization and functioning of animation activities in the education system, education and the organization of children’s leisure
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 1
- 449
- 6696
- Pages: 191-199
Concord of generations as base of pedagogy of general care
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 1
- 491
- 6667
- Pages: 185-190
Psycho-cybernetic analysis pedagogy of a collective creative education
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 1
- 624
- 6625
- Pages: 147-156
The problem of an individual and a collective: a modern view through the prism of the ideas of A.S. Makarenko and I.P. Ivanov
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 1
- 1022
- 7233
- Pages: 132-139
Studying of socio-perceptive imagesand life-meaningful orientations of different generationsincluded in collective creative activity
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 1
- 821
- 7079
- Pages: 121-131
Social work as a modern method of realization of ideas of collective creative education
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 1
- 557
- 6690
- Pages: 107-112
Methodological potential of the concept of the collective creative education
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 1
- 1280
- 7845
- Pages: 88-96
Humanistic psihopedagogika of teambuilding on the principles of the general care
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 1
- 731
- 6845
- Pages: 78-87
The inventive activity of the scientist polytechnic S.E. Zaharenko on the first period of Great Patriotic War
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 7035
- Pages: 162-171
Classification of extracurricular particular tasks on physics for the students of the medical university
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 6217
- Pages: 129-133
Praxeologozation of research activities of present-time pedagog
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 6122
- Pages: 89-92
Motivation of the higher school teachers’ innovative activity
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 5941
- Pages: 163-167
Pedagogue’s research activities in conception of riskology
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 6092
- Pages: 149-152
The concept of humanistically-oriented methodological training of a prospective biology teacher
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 5998
- Pages: 84-90
B.A. Milyutin and activity of the East-Siberian section of Russian technical society in Irkutsk
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 6052
- Pages: 205-212
State regulation of private enterprise activity in the USSR in the middle of 1940 th to the middle of 1950th
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 1
- 1
- 6175
- Pages: 198-205
Learning competence as the methodological basis for productive foreign languages learning activity
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 6460
- Pages: 117-121
Sense of justice as a factor of social-legal activity increase
- Year: 2010
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 6249
- Pages: 49-59